Thursday, January 31, 2019

February 5, 7, 8

Image result for storyboard
A "storyboard" is a graphic organizer

Performance Dates     February 19, 21, 22

February 5, 7

Continue working on your project/play.  Remember to include details, character analysis, and script/storyboard.

Links too help:
 Character  Analysis
The Script (story types, plot types, etc)

February 8

Image result for statement of artistic intention

Criterion C    -     Statement of Artistic Intention   in class writing (4 paragraphs)  Use subject specific language

1. What are you doing? (purpose) This paragraph includes:
- what topic you are studying this term in Drama  
- small background about Gothic novels and Gothic film
- what your task is  
- name and plotline/storyline of your play

2. Why are you doing this    (message)
 - what is the main message/theme you wish to communicate in your play
 - who is your audience and what lasting impact do you want this video to have on your audience?
 - why do you think it is important to communicate this message/theme to your "targeted" audience?

3.  How are you going to achieve this   (production and performance elements)

-  how will your group bring this play to life? (include set, props, costumes, techniques)

-  how will you bring your character to life? (include costume, props and acting techniques that you will use) 
- what challenges/problems can you anticipate? How can you overcome these difficulties? 

4.  Justify your decisions (inspiration)  
-  What inspired you? (Were you inspired by someone or something?) What made you choose this theme/topic? 
-  Document the process that you took and talk about alternative options and justify your final decisions.

Monday, January 28, 2019

January 29, 31, February 1

January 29, 31, Feb 1

Yellow:  Elaia, Mahaut, Petr, José
Green: Leila, Tai, Sophie, Zengyi
Purple: India, Matao, Manel, Martim
Blue:  Madalena, Patrick, Carmelo, Simon

  • Brief for play:  
    • ensemble piece
    • 3 acts
    • 5-8 minute play, 
    • name of the play,
    • message of the play
    • audience for the play
    • each person has the same face time (no stars), 
    • shows 2 emotions,  (there can be more emotions in the play but you need to focus and show 2 emotions that help the audience understand your message).
    • no violence (no guns, no knives, no killing on stage)

Brainstorm ideas for a play/video

What is brainstorming?
What is a mind map?
1.  Create Groups
2.  Work in your groups
Brainstorm and create a mind map of your ideas.  (This is part of Criterion C)
Some of the Most Common Themes in Literature (keywords for more research on this topic:  Common Themes in Literature)
  • Crime Doesn't Pay.
  • Own Worst Enemy.
  • Coming of Age.
  • Overcoming the Odds.
  • Love conquers all.
  • Humanity vs. nature.
  • The individual vs. society.
  • Good vs. evil.

How many and what kinds of story plots are there?
According to Mr. Booker, there are only seven basic plots in the whole world -- plots that are recycled again and again in novels, movies, plays and operas. Those seven plots are: 1.Overcoming the Monster, 2.Rags to Riches, 3.The Quest, 4.Voyage and Return, 5.Rebirth, 6.Comedy and 7.Tragedy. 

3.  Work in your group to develop your plot 

Task:  Create a short 3 act play showing 2 emotions.  The play should be approx. 5-8 minutes.  All the students in your group are actors in the play. Each student should have the same amount of lines and acting time. (Remember this is a drama class and I am grading you primarily on your acting:)

Each group will choose a topic - no violence (no guns, no knives, no hitting) on the stage.

Work in your group to develop your ideas
         a.  Title of your film
         b.  Plot line (developed)
         c.  Message you want to send
         d.  Characters decided
         e.  Costumes/Props
         d.  Setting

You don't have to write the script out but you will storyboard the action.

Monday, January 14, 2019

January 15, 17, 18

Image result for commedia dell'arte mind map splendid productions

January 15
1. Warm-up
Word association firing line -  great for loosening people up, getting them used to being spontaneous, in the moment and focusing on listening and responding without censoring themselves.

2.  Frankenstein quiz:
3.  Complete research

January 17, 18
Criterion A – Knowing and understanding

i. demonstrate knowledge of the art form studied, including concepts, processes, and the use of appropriate language
ii. demonstrate knowledge of the role of the art form in original or displaced contexts

Task:  Create a creative content map to showcase your knowledge and understanding to answer the question:  Why is Mary Shelley's Frankenstein still relevant today?   
Include:   Background on Mary Shelley
                Role of art form: When did this art form begin? What was going on in society when this art form began? 
                Art form (What genre is this film?  What are the elements of this genre?)
                Concepts: Identity Role, Interpretation (Characterization)
                Themes: minimum on 3 themes. Say why they were important when the book was written. Say why they are still relevant today.
                Subject-Specific Terminology

You are not limited to this outline. Feel free to develop and add your own ideas to individualize your work to reach the highest marks.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

January 8, 10, 11

Image result for mary shelley biography 1

1. Warm-up from 321 Acting Studio 
Breathing Relaxation Technique: actors can find your center, focus and relax for auditions

2. Research - conduct research on Mary Shelley to find out who she was and why she wrote this book.
a.Who was Mary Shelley?  and In what year did she write Frankenstein
b.Under what circumstances did she write Frankenstein
c.What was going on politically and with technology in England and Europe during that time? Be specific, give examples.
d. What "genre" is this book?  Explain, include details.
e.What are 4 themes in the movie/book Frankenstein? Be specific, give examples. Connect these themes to 2019.
 (Choose 4 themes. You can copy/paste this information.  Write a paragraph for each theme and say why this is still relevant today.)

Need Works Cited Page

Be sure to research:
       Frankenstein Themes, Motifs & Symbols (
Vocabulary: Themes, Symbolism, Gothic novel, Gothic film, Plot, Setting, Characters, Protagonist, Antagonist,

vocab link lists:

January 10 
1. Warm-up

Word association firing line -  great for loosening people up, getting them used to being spontaneous, in the moment and focusing on listening and responding without censoring themselves.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 3, 4

Image result for happy 2019

January 3, 4
1.  Warm-up:    

Seven-sentence story structure
Most stories can be boiled down to seven basic sentences. These sentences begin like this:
Once upon a time....
And every day...
Until one day...
And because of that...
And because of that...
Until finally...
And from that day...
It's good to use examples when explaining this, I will use 'Hannah Montana: The Movie' here:
Once upon a time there was a girl who was secretly a pop-star. And every day she was careful not to let anyone know her secret. Until one day she met a boy, and he discovered her double life. And because of that he was angry and felt betrayed. And because of that Hannah felt awful. Until finally she owned up to her double life. And from that day the people from her home have known and accepted her secret, and she and the boy are very happy.
a.  Have the students sit in a circle and ask them to come up with one sentence from the story structure each. If you have more than 7 students you can just begin from the first sentence again once you reach the eight student.
2.  Finish worksheet January 4 end of class