Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 30, 31, April 3


1.  Zoom meeting 

2.  Funny or Not funny:  Watch video then vote

Funny or Not funny - Vote

3. Due March 30 end of lesson  Save this in your Drama Folder (Process Journal)
Worksheet 1:   Historical Context (Criterion A – Knowing and Understanding – strand i. and ii.)
  • Research Commedia dell’Arte and locate the following information. You may respond in short answer form but explain, be thorough, include details. Write in complete sentences.  Remember to include the question.
  • You need a Works Cited page.
1. What does Commedia dell'Arte mean? (translate this term)

2. Where and when did Commedia dell’Arte originate?

3. Provide an outline of what was happening in Italy and Europe at this time – focus on political/military events. Discuss the impact this had.

4. Describe the living conditions for peasants in Italy at this time.

5. Find images of upper-class Italian citizens (include them here). What conclusions can you draw about their lifestyle and wealth?

6. Where was Commedia performed? Why was this preferred?

7. Define “stock character.” (Use your own words)

8.  How was Commedia dell’Arte funded?
9. What did the stage look like?

10. What type of costumes did they have?

11. Explain the use of masks.

12. Did they use specific props?

13. Define “lazzi.” (Use your own words)

14. Why was commedia such a popular form of theatre at that time?

15.  How did the art form spread?

16. What was Commedia Erudita?

17. What was the difference between Commedia Erudita and Commedia dell’Arte?

18. Were women among the performers in Commedia dell’Arte? Why is this significant?

19.  What are modern examples of Commedia dell’Arte?

20. Include at least one fact or other significant information that you learned about Commedia dell’Arte worth sharing with others.

MARCH  31, April 3

1. Zoom meeting

2.   Commedia dell'Arte overview

3.  Complete the Stock Character Worksheet - Due April 3 end of lesson in your Drama Folder (Process Journal)  I will be checking your work over the break ;)

pp. 7-9 Commedia Dell'Arte  A Study Guide for Students for the improvisational theater style "Comedy of Skills"

Sunday, March 22, 2020

March 23, 24, 27


Zoom call - roll

1.  Funny or not funny?

     Man working from home in S. Korea being interviewed by the BBC. - link on

2.  Change of name on Drama Folder
     Let's rename our folders in OneDrive.
     1. Open OneDrive
     2. Right Click, Select Rename
     3. Y9 Drama -  Your Name

3. Characterization Worksheet - sent to you in an email. Upload this document to your Process Journal. Then, Choose one of the characters from the pilot episode of Modern Family and write a critique of that character. (Criterion D)

MARCH 24, 27

1.  Zoom call - roll

2.  Funny or Not Funny

Worksheet 1:   Historical Context (Criterion A – Knowing and Understanding – strand i. and ii.)
  • Research Commedia dell’Arte and locate the following information. You may respond in short answer form but explain, be thorough, include details. Write in complete sentences.  Remember to include the question.
  • You need a Works Cited page.

1. What does Commedia dell'Arte mean? (translate this term)

2. Where and when did Commedia dell’Arte originate?

3. Provide an outline of what was happening in Italy and Europe at this time – focus on political/military events. Discuss the impact this had.

4. Describe the living conditions for peasants in Italy at this time.

5. Find images of upper-class Italian citizens (include them here). What conclusions can you draw about their lifestyle and wealth?

6. Where was Commedia performed? Why was this preferred?

7. Define “stock character.” (Use your own words)

8.  How was Commedia dell’Arte funded?

9. What did the stage look like?

10. What type of costumes did they have?

11. Explain the use of masks.

12. Did they use specific props?

13. Define “lazzi.” (Use your own words)

14. Why was commedia such a popular form of theatre at that time?

15.  How did the art form spread?

16. What was Commedia Erudita?

17. What was the difference between Commedia Erudita and Commedia dell’Arte?

18. Were women among the performers in Commedia dell’Arte? Why is this significant?

19.  What are modern examples of Commedia dell’Arte?

20. Include at least one fact or other significant information that you learned about Commedia dell’Arte worth sharing with others.

Monday, March 16, 2020

March 16, 17, 20

Welcome to MYP Drama at OIS.  This term you will be studying Commedia dell'Arte


1.  What is comedy? What makes something funny? There are no rules as comedy is subjective.

Think about this for a few minutes and answer here: sure to include your name;)

2. Look at the Unit Introduction which was attached to the email I sent you (this can be found in ManageBac) to learn a bit about what we are hoping to achieve this term.

3.  Now, let's watch the Modern Family pilot.  Remember that the "pilot" episode is the first episode of a series and tends to identify characters and plot line. Why is this series entitled "Modern Family"?  What can you surmise from the title?

You can watch it here:

4.  Zoom is an online video conferencing site. Explore the site and sign up using your school email. We will try to connect online on Tuesday at 13:45. 

MARCH  17    (Happy St. Patrick's Day)

1.  Zoom video meeting - We will meet online for introductions and class expectations.  You will be invited to the meeting.
     Agenda:  Introductions, class expectations, class blog as a hub for lessons, Modern Family pilot (What was wrong with our video?  What is the purpose of a pilot?  Was it funny?)

2.  Funny or not?  Support your opinion. Explain, include details and examples


Zoom meeting - to be arranged. You will receive an invitation to the meeting.

1.  Drama Process Journal
     First, Create a folder in OneDrive - name it:  your name/Drama Process Journal
     Next, Share the folder with me
This will be your Drama Process Journal. You will keep all classwork/research/images/ and other  documents related to this class in your Process Journal. 

2.  What is comedy?  What do we laugh at? Why?
     Start your research here:

3.  Develop your own personal definition. (How would you explain comedy to a Year 6 student?)
4.  Characterization Worksheet - sent to you in an email. Upload this document to your Process Journal

     Then, Choose one of the characters from the pilot episode of Modern Family and write a critique of that character. (Criterion D)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

March 9, 10, 13

Image result for 12 camera shots every actor should know

March 9, 10
                        Acting Tips: 12 Camera Shots Every Actor Should Know
When asked about the biggest piece of advice he could give to aspiring actors, Edward Norton once famously said, “The more you do your homework, the more you’re free to be intuitive; but you’ve got to put the work in.” That said, understanding film techniques is not simply a way to compliment your acting skills, but to showcase your professionalism and adaptability as an actor – something directors (and all importantly casting agents) love.

If you’re looking to work in film and television, it’s no secret you’ll have to get familiar with the camera and knowing the basic camera angles and types of shots can be hugely propitious for your skills to shine and build your acting resume. So here are 12 of the most popular camera shots all actors should know:

Practice makes perfect.
It's your turn to practice the camera angles we learned Monday in class.

March 11
This is the last day of our Drama class and the first day of our closed-school self-isolation. Good luck as you continue along the Arts carousel.  Take care of yourself and stay safe.

Monday, March 2, 2020

March 2, 3, 6

Image result for showtime

March 2
Final Performance - Criterion B

March 3, 6
Criterion D - Reflective Commentary

Brief introduction - 1 or 2 sentences explaining the purpose of this work (For example: The purpose of this commentary is to evaluate my work and its impact on my audience. . .)
Paragraph1 Write a paragraph detailing all your research (including the warm-ups) influenced your final performance.  Be specific, include details.  (Aiii)
Paragraph 2
Write a paragraph that connects your product (your play and your performance) to the statement of inquiry (  Circumstances sometimes affect the future.) and the global context (Identities and relationships).  (For example: Throughout this process I have gained an understanding that . . .)  (Di)
Paragraph 3  You can talk about how your message either reflects on the world or impacts the world and your audience.  For example:  Throughout this process I have learned  that art can be created for a purpose and theater/performances/films can send a message . . .)  (Dii)
Paragraph 4
Critically analyse your own performance.  Look at your acting, voice control, facial expressions, acting techniques used, etc.  
(Use the self-evaluation of your video and teacher feedback sheet to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.   How would you improve?  What would you do differently next time?) Suggest ways to improve.  (Diii)

February 18, 21, March 2

Image result for showtime

February 18, 21, March 2

Showtime: Criterion B Performances