1. Zoom call:
Monday: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77630255047?pwd=KzVXck8yVkNqWU42dHBuTlVYdklLZz09
Tuesday: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71031438446?pwd=WldvdnFGN0ZEMGtMSzJIVXd0cGRRdz09
FRIDAY: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74135708468?pwd=dXYwdmxvdWd1ck50WFNwT0hySGdtZz09
Meeting id: 741 3570 8468
Password: 9KCnHr
2. What is a tableau?
A tableau is a dramatic picture. If you catch a glance into the Oval Office and see top advisers speaking to each other with intensity, you behold a dramatic political tableau. Tableau comes from the old French for "picture, or painted target." We usually use tableau to describe a vivid living scene.
For more details:
3. Elements of a tableau
Elements of Tableau Checklist Statue:
Individual facial expression and body shape/gesture
Use whole face and body
Show character
Show action (body)
Show emotion (face)
Levels and depth
Three dimensional use of stage or playing space: Left/right/center, downstage/upstage, near/far
Character and spatial relationships/connections
Eye contact or point of focus
Physical contact using positive or negative space (touching or not touching)
Proximity or distance
Open to the audience (cheat out)
Audience awareness
Make sure all actors can be seen (no blocking—use levels & depth)
Excellent examples for tableaux. Let's analyze them.
Why do we create art?: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/sac-artappreciation/chapter/oer-1-2/
You will need to know this for your Statement of Artistic Intent
Task: Choose a work of art by a well known artist to replicate. (There is a reason that you have chosen this painting.)
You will be graded on:
Choice of artwork
Choice of costume
Choice of props/background
Facial expression
How well you replicate the painting
Remember you must be in this photo, not your cat. . .
![Girl with a Pearl Earring : trippinthroughtime](https://external-preview.redd.it/wD4i_C5wPVJcH3WCvELRH-D5ylcDyl69sOTsZmxw4hU.jpg?auto=webp&s=39333344d1e283a87dac9095c119e1cb2c501d9e)
Tips to help: https://blogs.getty.edu/iris/getty-artworks-recreated-with-household-items-by-creative-geniuses-the-world-over/
May 14 - in class writing
Statement of Artistic Intent:
Criterion C - Statement of Artistic Intention in class writing Use subject specific language
1. What are you doing? (purpose)
- what your task is
- name of work of art, artist and brief background on artwork
2. Why are you doing this (message) https://courses.lumenlearning.com/sac-artappreciation/chapter/oer-1-2/
- what is the main message/theme you wish to communicate
- who is your audience and what lasting impact do you want this video to have on your audience?
- why do you think it is important to communicate this message/theme to your "targeted" audience?
3. How are you going to achieve this (production and performance elements)
- how will you bring this artwork to life? (include set, props, costumes, techniques you will use)
- what challenges/problems can you anticipate? How can you overcome these difficulties? (Name at least 3 and say how you can overcome these difficulties)
4. Justify your decisions (inspiration)
- What inspired you? (Were you inspired by someone or something?) What made you choose this theme/topic?
- Document the process that you took and talk about alternative options and justify your final decisions.
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